I entirely wish that there were more occupants’ rights available in my state and the city, because it sure is difficult to get by around here, but the city has a reputation for low quality housing, and yet that hasn’t impacted the rental market whatsoever, even if you are shelling out cash left and right just for a venue to live, you are basically guaranteed to live in subpar construction and low quality indoor conditions.
There’s something about this area that has attracted sheisty dealers, and you often get trapped in nightmare leasing situations. This has been my experience time after time. That’s why it’s incredibly important that you know somebody who lived in that building before and you always check over the lease line by line. Unluckyly, this last venue that I rented had an terrible rental policy that I missed until it was too late, however for the most part, the lease looked standard, but however, there was a part tucked into it regarding the heating, cooling, and ventilation system that I completely overlooked, then although the loft I am renting is in a large building, each heating, cooling, and ventilation device is treated like its own separate entity. The household manager does not arrange for Heating and A/C dealers to come through the building and perform any kind of routine service on the air handling devices. The occupant is responsible for everything having to do with indoor air quality. This means, they have to change the air filter every month, arrange regular Heating and A/C service appointments, and even upgrade the Heating and A/C system if anything goes wrong, then i have never heard of such a deranged air quality control equipment provision before in my life. When I read that clause of the lease, I promptly hired a lawyer and moved out of the building. It was cheaper than paying for the Heating and A/C service.